At Result, we are aware of the importance of connecting academia and industry, both in terms of faster development of technology, as well as the education of potential co-workers.
Therefore, Boštjan Cigan gave a lecture at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science to all students that were enrolled in the course Web Technologies, otherwise taught by prof. Aleš Smrdel.
The topic was GraphQL – Building a Next-Generation API. He presented the academic aspect of GraphQL (diving into topic presented by prof. Olaf Hartig and prof. Jorge Perez about the formalization of the language itself) as a real developer aspect with live coding in Apollo Server.
GraphQL is more than just a new way of building APIs, it also has some open challenges that are connected to graph theory and fit well into both the academia and the industry environment.
A great stimulus for the future generation of engineers to dive deeper into these topics and come up with a few thesis opportunities as well.
The lecture can be viewed below and the source code is available at Gitlab.